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Bewildering Stories welcomes...

E. L. Skip Knox

Skip has a bio somewhat similar to those of a few of Bewildering Stories’ Review Editors, and Skip seems to have some additional areas of expertise...

Skip has an advanced degree in Early Modern History from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He currently teaches Medieval History at Boise State University.

Skip also has extensive experience in computer programming and website management. He’s provided valuable advice about creating a relatively simple “print this page” function for the benefit of our readers. Now it’s just a matter of your Managing Editor’s being able to find enough uninterrupted time to build and test it — no small order. Thanks, Skip! And you may get other questions from us from time to time.

The Roadmaster” is serialized in issues 486 and 487, but it is complete on line as of the first installment. Just follow the “proceed” links or those in the Table of Contents.

“The Roadmaster” will impress our readers with its elegant structure and careful attention to detail. The characters of Driver and the hitchhiker John — or “Johnny” — are engaging and yet mysterious. We’re not told immediately who they are, what they’re doing or where they’re going; we learn it all in good time from their conversation. In the process, young John gradually overcomes his diffidence and insecurity. Not to give anything away, readers can foresee that the two will become fast friends.

There’s a lot more to “The Roadmaster” than a chance friendship. The story is set in a fantastical and yet strangely familiar world where science and art sometimes combine but mostly conflict. Only a combination of both can defeat — or at least hold at bay — the malevolent entity that is pursuing John.

Skip, in view of both your bio and “The Roadmaster,” I think you’ll find that Cyrano de Bergerac’s The Other World is right up your alley!
Skip Knox’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Skip. We hope to hear from you again soon and often!

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