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Crossroads to Martyrdom: Notes

by Richard Ong

This artwork started as an homage to St. Perpetua. I wanted to depict my own interpretation of the dream she recorded in her journal, in which she and her Christian mentor climbed up a golden ladder laced with the sharp instruments of war.

Near the bottom of this golden ladder is a dragon or serpent which bowed its head to Perpetua, letting her pass. Her dream showed her that her fate was to suffer and face the beasts of the Roman arena in Carthage in order to be closer to God.

Then I realized that this need not be an homage solely to Perpetua. All martyrs who had suffered greatly throughout history, such as St. Joan, faced such a crossroads with a very difficult decision: should they continue on their path, knowing that great suffering and certain death lies at the end of the road before everlasting life or should they waver and succumb to human weakness, hoping that all will be forgiven in the end? We know which path these martyrs took.

Therefore, “Crossroads to Martyrdom” is an homage to all the saints and martyrs of Christendom.

Copyright © 2019 by Richard Ong

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