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Creatures of the Macabre

by Lori R. Lopez

They hide in the obvious,
deep in those naked quiet moments —
the Early Shift when Dawn has just broken
and draws back velvet drapes, the soft black
curtains of Dusk. When all is plain yet unspoken.
They are a stain, not easily glimpsed.

Creatures of the Macabre...
fiendish, they harbor uncanny powers to
avoid observation, befuddling watchful eyes
while they roam and sift crowds
of humankind in stealth, nimble as spies,
trolling a wealth of masses for victims.

Skulking, slinking about
to play ghoulish games on rubes and naifs.
Conniving, striving, plotting wicked pranks,
these callous dark-hearted nightblots
scuttle like doom, creeping the flanks
to blend in with gloom or glare.

Craftily such blightpots abound,
illuminating, gyrating — mastering the art
of cruel hoaxes; the element of surprise and shock.
Born in the dingiest of minutes and hours, these
abysmal times, the belfry or bowels of a clock
rusted and stark. How dismal it chimes...

’Mongst the somber strokes of
grim Unlight: muses for the meagerest hopes,
the sinisterest inklings and depths of despair,
these eldritch mobsters that sneak and creak,
pounce and thump will raise your hair —
cause hearts to gallop or jump with terrors.

Like sooty fungus, dire disgusting
Toxic Mold, they can lead to panic, invite a craze;
fright cats, incite knock-kneed cowardly dives.
Offend noses and snouts with spiteful pouts;
lend devilish mirth and sharpened knives
for all they're worth on their merry way...

A chorus line of kicks and stomps,
they single out a target, prowling the midst
of meek or rude, bustling or sluggish folk.
The grouchy and slouchy, namby and pamby,
The neithers and eithers, all part of their joke!
Biting like teethers, they gloat on parade.

Heed not such creatures,
else pay the price! Trepidation and woes,
tribulation and throes, the agony you will meet,
for they love a good snack. Never feed them I warn.
Don't go offering the crummies a treat!
Whet not their appetite of flesh and scorn.

These quibblesome nibblers
might chomp the hand that provides a meal.
If you value your fingers, count them well...
and guard your toes in case! The Macabre is
a perilous place to visit. Dare not go pell or mell.
Always sharpen your elbows and carry a Mace.

Do not let them collect
in your closet or cupboard. Invite them to stay and
be stuck for life as the festering pests accumulate.
Nothing is worse than the curse of these critters.
Tell them to scram, you mustn't wait...
To expel the foul lot, send a Scattergram!

Copyright © 2021 by Lori R. Lopez

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