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Bewildering Stories

The Readers’ Guide

What’s in Issue 476

Novel The police are seeking their fugitive suspects, Charles-Pierre is complaining about the hospital food, Luc has remembered that home is where the hope is, and Arthur is in limbo. Over the next few months, Luc has to be stoic about his situation, and Xérus digs in for the long haul too: the three minor villains will be in prison for a very long time.
Michael E. Lloyd, Missing Emilie
Book I: Self Above All
Chapter 8: Back Down the Rabbit Holes, part 1; part 2
Chapter 9: Marking Time
Serials Grisha confronts Ellie with bitter resentment. It’s time for her to go limping home: Maria Kontak, A Very Convenient Affair, part 4b; conclusion.

Abductees Richard and Abby conspire to put on a show for the aliens, but it’s easier said than done.
Charles C. Cole, The Abduction Chronicles
Perhaps Dominic and Petra can deal with a civilization-ending apocalypse a little better than the rest of the world: Chris Castle, Violet Cigarettes, part 1; conclusion.

New contributor Tess Pfeifle shows that the worst part of tyranny is the loss of human contact: The Cage Garden.

What do two half-brothers have in common? A mysterious father: Diana Pollin, The Strange Vow of Dom Felipe, part 1; conclusion.
New contributor Angel Zapata depicts a mother’s sacrifice for her little son: Carrion Folk.
Poetry Alessandro Cusimano, Agony in a Cage
Rebecca Lu Kiernan, What the Dog Saw
Oonah V. Joslin, Aurora Over Iceland


Welcome Bewildering Stories welcomes Tess Pfeifle and Angel Zapata.
Interview Bewildering Stories interviews Mark Murdock.
Challenge Challenge 476 paints Purple Toenails.
Letters Harry Lang recounts Writers of the Future, 28th annual awards.
The Reading
Danielle L. Parker reviews Faith Hunter, Raven Cursed.
The Art
A randomly rotating selection of Bewildering Stories’ art
NASA: Picture of the Day
Sky and Telescope, This Week’s Sky at a Glance

Randomly selected Bewildering motto:

Randomly selected classic rejection notice:

Bewildering Stories’ official mottoes:

“Poems are not made with ideas; they are made with words.” — Stéphane Mallarmé
Ars longa, vita brevis. Rough translation: “Proofreading never ends.”

To Bewildering Stories’ schedule: In Times to Come

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