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Bewildering Stories

What’s in Issue 255

Bewildering Stories News

Novella Bob Brill, Adventures of a Botanist The search for a particular Escapodium peptide leads to a church, a boxing match, and excitement with Bart and Belinda.
Chapter 9: Puerto Seguro, part 1; part 2
Chapter 10: Project Namaste
Serials Rajin and Jargos fight a final battle against the destroyer demon Yolok: Resha Caner, Jargos, Chapter 3: Aphelion and Perihelion, part 2, conclusion.

Rhiannon solves the murder mystery, and the undead Henry Weston can finally go to Valhalla: Rachel Parsons, Facing the Twilight, Chapter 6; Chapter 7, conclusion.
New contributor Gary Beck shows a bittersweet picture of the near future in sports and health care: RNA.

New contributor Neil Crabtree introduces an old man whose most living memories are those of a departed love: Fred and Anna.

Evita Drugstore sets out on a time-traveling crime spree, but Torbjörn Ramrod discovers the logical flaw in her plan: Bertil Falk, What’s Done Cannot Be Undone, part 1; conclusion.

New contributor William Falo brings together two people who hear voices: Tomas wishes to hear voices from his old country; Katya is pursued by voices from hers: Voices in the Wind.

New contributor Miguel Ángel López Muñoz sends a Nocturn-hunter into the mirrored world to catch a... vampire? The Mirrored World, part 1; conclusion — Spanish original: El Mundo Especular.

New contributor Ronald Polizzi sends an artist into a back-country voodoo-like ritual to find the secret of a musician’s success: What Mr. Johnson Knew, part 1; conclusion.
New contributor C. D. Ratliff has wizards take fitting revenge on a goblin murderer: The Storm of Destiny.

New contributor Michelle Reale shows us through the eyes of neighbors a woman escaping the prison of her house: From a Distance.
Poetry Bill Bowler, His & Hers, III: Seeing Things, part 1; conclusion


Welcome Bewildering Stories welcomes Gary Beck, Neil Crabtree, William Falo, Miguel Ángel López Muñoz, Ronald Polizzi, C.D. Ratliff, and Michelle Reale.
Challenge Challenge 254 response: Carol Reid writes about “Snow, Sweet Snow”
Challenge 255: By Some Numbers
Letters Jean-Michel Calvez writes about “Snow, Sweet Snow
The Art
A randomly rotating selection of Bewildering Stories’ art
NASA: Picture of the Day

Bewildering Stories News

The “All Issues” (archive) page, the Biographies & Bibliographies, the Editors’ Choices index, and Bewildering Press will be brought up to date after normal server operations are restored, hopefully this week.

Ye Copy Editor will be traveling during the weeks of issues 256 and 257, and my Internet connection will be of the tin-can and string variety. E-mail responses will slow down considerably. Please be patient.

Randomly selected Bewildering motto: If you want to stay in this timeline, don’t get noticed. If you want to change it, do get noticed.

Randomly selected classic rejection notice: We are willing to return the manuscript for the same sum we paid for it. — (to Jane Austen for Northanger Abbey)

Bewildering Stories’ official mottoes:

“Poems are not made with ideas; they are made with words.” — Stéphane Mallarmé
Ars longa, vita brevis. Rough translation: “Proofreading never ends.”

To Bewildering Stories’ schedule: In Times to Come

Readers’ reactions are always welcome.
Please write!

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